Thursday, December 2, 2021

Fruitful Visit to a Second hand Bookshop.

Hello there! I made an off the cuff decision to visit the City Bookshop, in Norwich City Centre last week. It was only by chance that I was in the City and due to the pandemic situation I usually compile a list of what I need to do and when it is sufficiently long I do a quick visit.

On the shelf of the second hand section I found these,

I have been looking for these for a long while and are usually something I keep an eye out for, at shows, but seldom find any. Here I four editions! Packed with information and the complement the order of battle for the same, which I obtained through the Wargames Vault.

The City Bookshop website can be found here.

Birthday Gifts

Hello there! Already a month has passed since my last post and it seems to have gone by very quickly! I have been occupied with obligations at work and have been plodding along with a number of, (probably too many!), projects simultaneously.

Coupled with my gas stove dying and a replacement being so complicated to replace I would find it easier to train as an astronaut instead this has all concluded to rob me of painting time.

I was lucky enough to receive these two books which have both recently been published. The Napoleonic tome complements the other three volumes from the same author and will be very helpful in compiling scenarios for the skirmish project.

The World War Two offering is a masterpiece about the Sherwood Rangers from Normandy to Germany. I found out about this book after listening to the podcast 'We Have Ways of Making You Talk' which can be heard here.

A recent episode on this podcast sadly reported on the loss of one of the veterans who was one of the sources for this publication. The episode included a presentation by this old soldier and was a fantastic insight into what people went through during these campaigns. This rather 'sold it' for me and so far the book has not been a disappointment!