Hello There! To give you an idea of how far behind I am posting my photographs on my blog, here is a game I took part in before Christmas! Yes it was last Christmas!
This was a game put on by my regular wargaming opponent, Adrian. His collection of Sun King armies continues to grow and here is a small selection which took part in a C S Grants, Programmed Wargame Scenarios.
Further details on the game can be found on Adrians blog here.
This is the initial set up and comprises of the Dutch, commanded by myself, trying to form a bridgehead across a river with two crossing points. The Dutch came onto the table from the bottom of the picture.
The French at the top of the picture started off with a small force which was reinforced as per dice throws during each move.
The Dutch tried to get across the bridge as quickly as possible and engage the French before they got too many reinforcements.
There were a number of cavalry melees which gave the Dutch infantry time to add to the bridgehead.
Dutch Aylva Regiment
Vijbergen Regiment of Marines
The games was very see saw, partly due to reinforcements arriving through the game. There were honours for both sides as each of us had minor victories and defeats in equal measure through the game.
Pop over to Adrians blog to see further photos of the game.