The main entrance to the defensive line was flanked by a trench system dotted with artillery positions either side.
Some of the guns were crewed by the Chad troops who comprised the 2nd Battalion de Marche de L'Oubanghi Chari. The M1897 French field gun is from MAC Distribution models and the crew are a mix of SHQ, Resicast and Solfig.
Here is an overview of the table. The board was 9' x 9' with a trench line holding an entry point at its centre. The model trench system was scratch built to a modular design so can be assembled in many ways.
The Germans advanced on the right and the Italians on the left. As the game was intended as an opportunity to assess the forces for the larger game, the German assault was assisted by an armoured element.
Some parts of the barb wire was deliberately broken. During the actual battle Axis forces did try to infiltrate the minefield during the night in a bid to make successive attacks easier while the besieged French forces also sent out patrols to stop this interference and attack Axis forces in laarger.
The Italian forces moved forward into a large amount of enemy fire, breached the barb wire and followed their tanks in support.
Supported by their artillery which kept up a smoke screen to stop the defenders firing on the attacking infantry.
The Italian forces had a portee anti tank component to support the attack.
Full use was made of the clubs back drop when photographs could be taken.
On the other flank the Germans approached the barb wire.
Also a captured 25 pdr helped the DAK advance.
From a distance the advance looked quite impressive!
The Italians advanced against stiffening fire and lost their tank support but reached the French trench line.
After exploiting the gaps in the barb wire.
The Legion reinforced the trench line and repulsed the Italians on two occasions while the Germans diverted their attentions to the command centre in the middle of the board.
The DAK paused at the line of barb wire then charged at the high ground.
As the night came to an end the Germans stormed the French position.
The modifications to the Rapid Fire Rules worked well and it was obvious as to the games outcome. Everyone picked up the rules easily and even with the time taken for photographs we had plenty of time to pack the game away.
I have to organise the opposing forces for the big game and complete the players crib sheet. I will go through the changes to the rules in a later post.