Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Norfolk Boardgames, Wargames and Collectables

 Hello There! As I was running low on a few items  I paid a visit to the above shop in Great Yarmouth. I have a game coming up around a wargaming friends and needed also needed a few dice.

While there is a large selection of  fantasy stock there is also plenty to interest the historical wargamer. With an array of ready painted figures as well as a stock of Bolt Action, Pike & Shotte, Ancients, blood Red Skies and Victory at Sea available.

More importantly for me there was the largest range of Vallejo paints and products I have ever seen in a single place.

I find the availability of the figures from Warlord is very hit and miss because on their website items dip in and out of stock all the time. I prefer Front Rank and Perrys  metal figures, (as I am a self confessed 'metal snob'), for my armies but occasionally use other suppliers such as Warlord, Steve Barber, Redoubt and Brigade. These are all 'compatible' with each other, (as compatibility is very much a personal measure!), and each of these other suppliers offer figures and wagons which fill gaps or complement Perry and Front Rank offerings. 

I bought some dead cows and a dismounted ACW cavalryman kneeling firing his pistol with his saddle on a base in front of him, (a nice vignette). I suspect that it is as much intended for Pony Wars as well as ACW!

I needed the medium thinner to extend the life of some of my paints and the dice for a proposed modification to the ACW rules we use.

The shop is well worth a visit as it has a great choice, helpful and friendly staff and useful modelling stock.