Friday, March 15, 2024

Explosion Markers

Hello There! While I have had work get in the way again, I have also been editing and adding captions to the photographs I took at the Suffolk Military Show last year. As this has taken a long time here is a quick post about some further explosion markers I have made.

The original one of these was originally intended as a master for a resin model. This proved far too optimistic to make as removing it from the mould would almost certainly destroy the mould itself.

I sold the original after painting it up and was then asked for some more.

Initially resistant to making more, as they were so labour intensive, they would be little profit due to the time required to make them. I was talked around into making some by a customer.

These are different to the foam markers I have also made and are very hard wearing. As there are many layers of PVA and water required to dry, before they can be painted, they take many days of drying to make.

Here are some spares I have made. I usually make a few extras at a time because if the odd one goes awry then I still have enough to complete an order.

I have a few remaining and I can be contacted if you would like to purchase any.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely done! A harder silicon mold material might work if you use resin for the casting.
