Hello There! Well Ill health has forced me to stay at home and little more than getting up leaves me breathless so I can do some blogging and show you some older models that I have completed.
Both have General Service Bodies from S & S Models, whose website is here.
The first is the Matchbox Leyland Retriever from the General Montgomerys caravan set, which comes with a Daimler Dingo as well.
I took the Italian caravan office body off and fixed that to a Lancia 3RO which was the source of the original vehicle. I then added the GS body which was a straight forward fit.
The source model for this is the Austin K6, (OK, slightly post war), which was the fire tender and added the same body. This gave me a use for the many fire tenders I had left over after I had assembled the K2 ambulance.
Both these models were very satisfying to complete and go well with the desert forces I have been building.
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