Saturday, March 23, 2019

Refight of Waterloo

This refight recently took place at the New Buckenham Historical Wargames Club. Here are a few pictures from the games preperations.

Here is a picture of the clubs version of Hougoumont. The buildings are from Hovels while the garden and the trees to the right are made by me. I searched the internet for some illustrations of the garden here and on a visit to the battlefield had a close look at the area covered. I took a pen drawing of the garden made just after the battle. I hoped it was a true representation!

I also had to keep the overall size to a minimum as the footprint of the total model could be overwhelming for the table.

Here are two further close ups of the garden manned by Nassauers.

On the other side of the building defenders made the most of the walled cover. The garden patch in the top picture is also an addition by myself. It consists of rows of cabbages and other crops.

On the far side of this bastion the French advanced around the far flank with a combined cavalry and artillery force.

In front of these advancing troops the British  awaited their fate.

In the middle of the battle field the British defenders had blockaded the main road next to the clubs representation of La Haie Sante and Pictons troops look at the oncoming attack by D'Erlon. The French Grande Battery can just be seen. Having visited the battlefield and seen the crest that the French sited their guns this is a fair view.

The British commander and staff look on at the preparations and positions.

Here are some pictures of the 'Fluff', as people at the club say. These are all behind the French lines and are various manufacturers.

An impressive view of the Guard waiting for the order to advance.

A closer view of part of D'Erlons Corps arrayed behind the Grande Battery.

The Emperors Coach awaits its owners.

The final picture is the start of the British artillery.

Further pictures can be viewed here

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