Friday, April 26, 2019

More ACW Recruits

Hello there! I have recently completed some further recruits for my ACW project. As all units are on bases of four for infantry and two for cavalry each unit requires a casualty marker.

I make a point of completing one marker for every group of figures I complete. This avoids the chance of me having to paint a lot of markers all at once which I could find boring.

I believe that this marker was a casualty figure from the Perrys range. Over the years I have collected many such markers from different companies and scrap boxes from a number of wargaming shows. This is based on a dial from Warbases. Their website can be accessed  here.

For this figure I decided to use a mixture of browns rather that greys and standard black accoutrements.

Here is the complete line up. On close examination you will see that there are two standard bearers awaiting standards. These figures are from the Redoubt range of figures which are now available from Grubby Tanks. Their website is here.

These are painted in a mix of browns, greys and civilian dress.

Here an officer, who looks like a Mississippi card player and gambler leads the way.

Next a couple of figures in shirts. These seem quite common in Confederate cavalry of the time, especially bushwackers and raiders. All figures have also had an airbrush at the bottom of the trousers to show some wear and dirt.

Lastly the two standard bearers who are awaiting flags. It is difficult to see the figure when there is a standard in the way. There is another Mississippi gambler and further  troopers.

Further recruits are on their way!

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