Saturday, May 18, 2019

New Buckenham refight of Arroyo dos Molinos

Hello There! Here are some photographs of a recent game from the New Buckenham Historical Wargamers. At relatively short notice a 15mm Napoleonic game was arranged from a club members collection.

Here is the village in question occupied by the French. After a forced march the British forces, led by Lord Hill, were to try and overwhelm the French General Girard, who was retreating to  Merida. To the right are French forces starting to quit the village before the British appear.

Here French commanders appear to be discussing the fact they have been caught unawares by the Allied forces. All figures are AB and some Battle Honours.

Some French forces tried to cover the retreat of their colleagues while the British continued to close in for the kill.

Appearing across the table the first units of Allied troops closed in.

Here is a closer view of one of the previous pictures. AB miniatures do stand up well as over the years they have remained the benchmark for detail in this scale and era.

I do not know for sure the supplier of these building but at a guess I would say Hovels. They set the game off very well.

I was not able to attend all of the game so these pictures are from the first few moves. Further pictures and an after battle report can be found here.

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