Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Action at Hill 226 1944

Hello There! I was able to attend a game at the New Buckenham Historical Wargamers Club. The game on show was a 20mm WW II game put on by Chris using some models from Malcolms enormous 'D-Day' collection.

This action is briefly described in the two Osprey 'Old' Vanguard books, 13 Chuchill Tank, page 29 and 14 Sturmartillerie and Panzerjager page 26. These prompted Chris to look into this action further.

The game is quite short but is packed with action. This allowed it to be played a number of times during the evening. The rules used were a set of tank rules from Charles Grant.

This is the overall table with the German Jagdpanther breaking cover from the top and left of the picture with the Churchills of the Scots Guards entering the table from the bottom right. The Tanks deployed on the hill in the centre of the table. The tanks crews, finding no enemy debussed and started to brew up. The tanks had outpaced the infantry so had no support.

Here are the Churchills deployed on the hill innocently starting making tea. 

Here is the Jagdpanther from the top of the first picture breaking cover. He has a clear view of the deployed but unsuspecting Scots Guards. The other Jagdpanthers are to the right of this tank.

Here the Scots Guards also deploy to the left of the hill across the front of a village

However they do not escape as they find themselves facing the jagdpather approaching from the extreme left flank of the British advance.

The refight I was involved in went much to history as the Churchills were brewed up in quick succession. The initial contact period was critical as the Churchill crews scrambled back into their tanks, (after finishing their tea obviously!), and so could not return fire at the start of the emergence of the enemy.

Further pictures, including some evocative black and white photos are available on the clubs facebook page here 


  1. Excellent photos Steve. Modesty clearly stopped you adding that the three Jagdpanthers were put together and painted by your good self for my collection, for which I thank you again.

  2. There were a few items I recognised, including some of the other vehicles and even the trees! I am particularly pleased with the Jagdpanthers though, especially after matching them up after so many years
