Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Spanish Ladies

Hello There! I have not been very well recently and I have tried to complete some painting to help me along. I have added so Spanish 28mm ladies from the Perrys Carlist Wars range. The Carlist war was not long after the Napoleonic Wars finshed so I felt their dress was not too far removed from the period I required.

I have painted these using Vallejo paints with an airbrush of brown and a spray varnish to finish. They are based on two pence pieces with some magnabase as well.

The poses are useful and generic. I used the illustration on the Perrys site as a guide and added Cotwold Buff chippings and sand to the base.

The figures can either be 'fluff', (Thanks Chris!), for larger games or pieces for the skirmish project I amm working on.

It made a change to be able to do different shades and colours for a change and not be restrictd to the basic uniform colours for a change. I am pleased with the airbrushing as well. Subtle and effective.

I may use the pale cream shawl colour again as it could be an effective white for future uniforms with a few small tweaks.

There is also a pack of Spanish male civilians which are on the painting table at the moment and I yhope will soon take their place alongside these figures.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely done! Airbrushing's not a skill I have, unfortunately. I hope you feel better soon.
