Friday, July 16, 2021

French 28mm Front Rank Voltigeurs

 Hello There! As the weather is drier and clearer today I have been able to take some decent photographs. These figures are intended for the skirmish project and clear the painting table a little bit so I can move things around again!

 These can go with the Perrys voltigeurs that I completed previously. Although they were in campaign dress these guys look much neater.

Here is their NCO however he does need the stripes on the sleeve to be done, but you can see he is in charge as he is pointing!

These are in a variety of poses which suit skirmishing and were all bought as separate items. These were also delayed as I have a couple of problems with my air brush but these were soon rectified. Although you cannot see it from here the lower part of the figure is sprayed with brown paint to give a dusty, marching look.

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