Sunday, July 30, 2023

SELWG 2023 Bring And Buy Woods

Hello There! As I have been on holiday this week I have had some spare time to complete some items which are intended to go on the bring and buy stall at SELWG this year.

I have sold some of these foam woods on the same stall a few years ago and proved to be popular. This year I have increased the selection, sizes and made the pricing clearer. Probably a hint that wargamers are getting older? I don't know.

I always enjoy going to SELWG and with the 'new' venue in regular use with them, and it is less of a drive for me, it is always a show well worth going to.

The web site to get a ticket is here.


  1. Looks good, mate. The larger print helps! I hope you sell the lot.

  2. Hello AJ. As the show is in October I am still plodding along making more. Usually in the evenings after work.
