Wednesday, May 22, 2024

10mm Buildings Commission

Hello There. I have had the opportunity to complete another piece of work for a wargaming friend and colleague.

First up two further gun emplacements. These are undercoated, painted, washed and dry brushed.

These are the first 3D printed items I have painted. They sit on bases that I made after I cut out the bases and fitted acetate windows.

Returning to resin buildings this small church and water mill were full of detail.

These are the finished Items I mentioned in an earlier post. I feel the replacement roof looks better than the original!

Lastly the resin items were representing all timber construction. I tried to avoid the 'brown' that you get with some representations of wooden buildings. If you look at your garden fence, taking into account that they are pressure treated and/or painted, they always fade to a grey which can become quite dark.

These all require varnishing which shall be done when the weather is less humid!

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