Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Battle of Mona, 60AD

Hello there! A weekend game of the Battle of Mona, saw a handful of club members turn out for this Impetus game.

The game was set on an amphibious landing by the Romans and a later outflanking move by them, on the Ancient Britons left flank.

One club member had spent a lot of time building and painting a Sarissa Models Roman Navy!

The Romans had their auxiliary units on their right flank and they spent much of the time trying to fight their way out of the surf!

The initial charge of the Ancient Briton chariots came to nought as the Romans absorbed the shock and drove them off.

The hoards of Ancient Britons was very impressive!

As the edges of the board were heavily wooded plenty of the clubs trees were used. I noticed the use of polyfibre here, something I have yet to try.

Reinforcements were steadily added to the fray over the course of the game.

Here are some closer views of the Roman Navy.

This is the view from the Roman side of the beach and you can see the enemy seem formidable.

Eventually the Ancient Britons reached their break point tests and failed. They fled the field despite keeping the Romans fighting in the surf for most of the game. 

Further photos are on the New Buckenham Historical Wargamers Facebook page here.

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