Sunday, February 2, 2025

Minster Gate Book Shop, York

Hello There! I have visited York a few times in the past and have always tried to visit the Minster Gate Bookshop.

The stock has varied considerable from year to year but always seems to have something of interest on their shelves. This year was a very good year!

I found that they had a number of plates and pictures on offer. After flicking through a number of trays I found this. As I am painting Front Rank French Napoleonic Legere at the moment, I took that as a good omen and rescued this plate. 

I have a couple of publications by James Holland so this was a nice surprise to find. Especially as his style of writing is easy to read.

I have seen this book used as a reference on a number of occasions, by other authoritative publications. This is the first time I have seen one available. Although I am not greatly interested in the sieges of this period I have listened to a few podcasts about them so thought I would pick this one up.

I have a few books on the Marshals of France and Marshal Ney has always been of interest to me.

I have heard that this has been a bit of a contentious volume in the past so I thought I would read this. So much of this battle and campaign has been related in a very Anglo centric way that I would like to see what this has to say.

My Grand father missed this debacle but was out in this theatre afterwards.

This is that last volume from Adkins that I wanted to purchase having already obtained Waterloo and Gettysburg.

This bookshop is certainly worth visiting if you are in the area.

1 comment:

  1. Colour me envious! ;) I enjoy looking around the bookshops of York. It's a rare occasion when I don't walk away with one or two new book buys.
