Hello There! Well another quick post with some pictures of new and forthcoming painting work.
First up, I have a few Allied tanks and other vehicles planned for North West Europe. I have done some research into the colours used and after experimenting with a few Vallejo paint mixes and browsing the AK website, I have taken the plunge and bought the above.
The paint sets cover Normandy and Late North Africa with a spare SCC15 as I feel I may need a lot of that!
The weathering powders are for the next group of tanks as after using some other shades on the Waterloo building recently I have decided to try them out on a few other things.
The tufts do make coving figure bases a lot quicker and add to the realism. I have used static grass manually placed into a dab of PVA glue, coconut fibre from a broom, sweet chestnut cases made to look like clumps of flowers and various items from the Woodland Scenics range of products in the past, and still do to add a variation to the foliage seen, but the above do save a lot of time as well.
Although rather expensive, I also use the range of triad paints from Wargames Foundry. I purchased two different Confederate blues and greys, Prussian blue and a butternut, again for the Confederates.
ABC Brushes were also in attendance and I replaced some brushes previously purchased from them, which only started to give out after a long period of use.
I also wanted to give the larger white handled brushes a go for dry brushing. I keep hearing reference to borrowing the girlfriends wake up brushes for this so will see how they perform.
Another pack of AB Miniatures, WW II desert Sikh troops. These are the usual very high standard from AB. I also caught a glimpse of Tony Barton on the stand. I was diverted to another stand and did not get back in time before he had departed. Shame as I would have loved to have a chat!
Wargames Foundry WW II desert DAK. I have used a couple of these packs in the past and wanted to recruit a few more German troops. I am still keeping the bulk of my Axis desert forces in the same proportions, nationality wise as the Italians made up to 80% of the Axis forces in that theatre.
And some Italians in the Colonial helmets. These are to go with the Mirleton troops I already have.
To save getting a phase of the 'OOhhh Shiny@ syndrome I also went to the show with a list of what I needed and had preordered what I really needed to complete existing things and resisted and careless spur of the moment purchase decisions.
The day was very productive and we even left just after one pm after doing everything we wanted to, photographed some games and felt like we had been there a lot longer!
Nice haul!