Saturday, January 12, 2019

Ancients Battle at New Buckenham Historical Wargamers Club

The New Buckenham Historical Wargames club put this game on, on Friday 21st December 2018.

This was a continuation of an earlier game where the casualities of the Roman's were carried over and reinforcements began to arrive for the Romans and Britons.

Some Roman forces had reached their camp earlier and would provide support to the relieving Roman forces. The club has a Roman marching camp complete with tents and stockade wall. Here some troops are manning the walls at the start of the game.

Some of the Roman reinforcements turned to face Britons advancing through the woods across the table from the marching camp.

While the remains of the previous battle lay scattered over the field.

The threatening Britons charged across the field to get at the invaders.

Aided by their chariots. There is a reconstruction of an ancient British chariot in the Norwich Castle Museum along with archaeological finds including items of Roman body armour.

In this collection there is also a chariot casualty.

Here is a view of the commanders tent in the Roman camp.

Here is a larger view of the approaching Britons. 

I had to leave early as I was working over the week end however further pictures are here

1 comment:

  1. Nice one! I remember that marching camp at the club. Good to see it in action again.
