Saturday, January 12, 2019

First Completed Unit of the Year

Here is the first completed unit of this year and the first Napoleonic unit I have completed for 23 years!

These are Front Rank figures painted to represent the 1st battalion 1st Swiss Regiment. They are intended to be used to refight the Battle of Maida but will also be used for various Peninsular engagements. 

For Maida this unit may have been wearing a preponderance of bicornes, as it was so close to the introduction of the new uniform and the formation of the Swiss regiments from the old demi brigades.

The next unit on the list is the 1st battalion 1st Polish Regiment.   


  1. Thank you Tony & Adrian. They remind me of the firzt Napoleonic unit I ever completed, the 2nd Swiss. This was because the Minifigs were in the early uniform and I only had a pictire of that unit in the old uniform. Everything else was in the bardin uniform.
