Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Battle of the Boyne Refight

Hello Again! I recently played a 'Sun King' game around a friends and here are the photographs from that game.

I neglected to get a picture of the initial dispositions but you can see the River Boyne flowing through the middle of the board from top to bottom. On the right are the Protestant forces of Prince William of Orange and the Catholic forces of James VII on the left.

I commanded the Protestant forces and the Boyne was fordable opposite the gabion emplacement and the bridge was the other crossing point at the top of the table.

I was initially wary of the gabion emplacement and after a number of attempts was unable to push them out of their position.

At the bridge the attacking forces were heading for the crossing but they cavalry had to be given priority and sent first as the enemy had sent their cavalry to cover the bridge.

Here the cavalry have crossed the bridge and the infantry are following up. The red labels are the rules method of giving orders to units. They are placed at the start of the move and cover move, move & fire, stand, charge, retire, fire etc.

On the catholic side of the river a line of infantry awaits the outcome of the cavalry battle.

The accompanying artillery with the Protestant forces was only a light gun so had to get close to the enemy but was at the back of the marching column so had to deploy near the river to get within range.

Here part of the cavalry battle continues while further infantry crosses the river.

As the cavalry battle was resolved the Catholic infantry found itself outflanked and the furthest unit stood to defend itself against attack.

Meanwhile on the other side of the table the Protestant forces rebounded, yet again, from the defended ford to the point that they refused to charge further and their losses meant their musketry had become ineffective.

Eventually the ford was taken and the defending gabion emplacement outflanked. It was then I found out the defenders were raw troops!

By now the bridge had also been taken and Prince Williams forces closed in on the remaining Catholic army.

The rules were being discussed and amended while the game progressed and are now ready to be taken to the New Buckenham Historical Wargamers Club in the near future.

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