Saturday, October 19, 2019

Quick Update

Hello There! Well after a spot of ill health I have the time for an update. 

I received some good news from Guy, the editor at Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy. Three of my features have been accepted for this months, (106), issue.

One on a refurbishment of an old Airfix fort and a feature on the Spanish Army of the Napoleonic wars will be in the magazine. Another on the Battle of Medine de Rioseco will be available on the blog.

Further details can be found here.

Secondly at short notice I am able to make SELWG. Whilst not taking a trade stand it will be nice to be a punter for a change.

Further information on the show can be found here.

When the weather permits I shall get some more photographs done for some new posts.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you've been unwell, mate. there's a lot of nasty bugs going around lately. Have a good time at SELWG.
