Thursday, November 7, 2019

Further Confederate Recruits

Hello There! After some illness in the family, both myself and a close family member things are up and running again. I suppose the handy thing with a blog is that it can be picked up and put down when circumstances permit.

I have a number of projects on, typical of any wargamer, and have completed some more figures for my ACW project.

These guys are  from a combination of Wargames Foundry and Perrys. I recently purchased some of the new Confederate cavalry releases from Perrys and these are been slowly completed. I have started using some railway modellers corn stalks for my basing. I was given these by a wargaming friend, Chris, recently and they are being slowly used.

I read recently that JEB Stuart considered swords a liability and ordered his men to get rid of them. I do not know the validity of this story but it is worth further study.

Here are the dismounted Confederate troops. These are Redoubt with some Perrys. In comparison the Perrys have better defined faces and bodily dimensions  but the Redoubt figures have their own advantages, being multi poses, to a point, coming as separate head, torso and legs. They can be mixed but uyou have to realise that they have to be assembled which takes longer to get on the table. For this assembly Milliputt and superglue is your friend but you have to be prepared to do a but of filing to improve the fit then leave them as they set. This gives me a chance to get on with something else in the meantime. 

I have assembled this figure previously but I am taken by the 'Mississippi Gambler' style. The join between the legs and the torso is not noticeable. I have painted the trousers in an attempt at the 'English Blue' colour of clothing and used this theme throughout the figures.

Here is a close up of the corn stalks I have started to use. Although intended for HO/OO railway modellers they are fine for 28mm figures. They are from JTT  Scenery Products, serial number 95552, 1" high corn stalks. As always with photographing your figure close up I have realised that I have not painted the buckle on the shoulder strap, so out he comes from the box to be done!

Redoubt again and more corn stalks. I painted the undershirt white, despite Confederate troops regarded this colour derisory to themselves as this was worm by slaves so they felt insulted wearing this colour. All part of the reason for this was in the first place. Someone asked me about the causes of the American Civil War as they were saying it was about States Rights and I agreed it was about States Rights, (To Own Slaves). Looking at the news even now this still seems to be a contentious point with some in the United States. 

These are Perry Figures and although a little shorter than the Redoubt they still fit well together, as any group of people are always a different height. The tall grass on the right is from Woodland Scenics. The faces are better defined on the Perrys over the Redoubt as some of the Redoubt are a little 'wonky' but at a 'Wargaming Distance' this is not noticeable. 

More Redoubt and example of the wonky face! I was considering getting the figure on the right to hold a flag but used another figure instead and used him to beckon others on into the attack.

Lastly the standard bearer. The flag is from GMB and the flag has a piece of foil inside to allow it to keeps its shape as per one of the features I wrote for WSS magazine.

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