Friday, September 25, 2020

Napoleonic British 58th Rutlandshire Regiment

Hello There! As there is a storm raging outside I decided to give the wargames club a miss tonight but in return I am able to put a few more posts on here.  

I have been working on another feature for WSS magazine and have also used this to complete some more of my Napoleonic units for my collection. My painting table is burgeoning under half finished jobs so I have also cleared the decks abit!

These are 28mm Perry miniatures and complete another battalion for the British forces in the Battle of Maida refight that I have planned. They will also be used for Peninsular games alongside the Spanish I am also painting.

The feature in WSS will cover using some of the colours that wargaming figure painters do not feel very comfortable with. Obviously red is one of them!


  1. The wargaming clubs loss is our gain. Cool regiment the 58th, it's one of the recycled SYW regiments that I acquired recently. Re: our previous conversation on WSS, just received issue issue 109 two days ago. I look forward to reading your articles. Cheers Greg

  2. Red shako plums on the grenadiers Stephen? White surely. Great looking unit, look forward to the game.

  3. oooops! Looks like I will have to get the paintbrushm out again! Well spotted!

  4. Red plumes successfully painted white!
