Friday, October 22, 2021

Warbases Order

Hello There! I had some MDF markers from Warbases and to make them less conspicuous on the wargames table I decided to paint them. This worked well but they have to be undercoated using an airbrush as the MDF does have a habit of soaking up paint like a sponge.

I completed the few I had and ordered some more, (after trying to collect some at Partizan but they do not carry them at shows!). They arrived with 72 hours of ordering them, so a very fast prompt service from Warbases!

This should cover the markers needed for the skirmish project and anything for Rapid Fire as well. These are now undercoated. Using an airbrush has the advantage that the paint does not seem to go into the darkened grooves of the marking on the counters so making them easier to paint.

Going to Partizan recently I noticed that the markers on the Seven Years War game by had tomb stones painted grey with a number on them. they blended into the table really well and did away with the view of various dice next to units which detract from pictures when taking photographs.

I also noticed that Warbases sell a blacksmith set with figures, something which is suitable for the 'Logistics' feature for WSS and goes with the forge from Iron Gate Scenery. Also they has and ACW wagon rider. Be careful with this though as wagons has riders on the horses, NOT on the front of the wagon, but he can be used for other purposes.

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