Monday, October 11, 2021

Battle of Zaragoza, A Recent Sunking Game

Hello There! After a long interval from wargaming, thanks to the pandemic, I managed to get back to a game with my regular wargaming friends. All vaccinated up and raring to go, we had a game of the attempt to take Zaragoza. Fought in 1710, between the Spanish Bourbons supporting Philip V and the Coalition who were supporting the Archduke Charles. 

There were many more figures on the table today as Adrian had spent part of the lockdown changing the unit sizes of his forces and this had given him some extra units. This was obviously an opportunity to try them all out.

In the original battle Zaragoza was positioned near the Welsh dresser in the top left of the picture and the troops on the right were tasked with pushing through to the city.

Both sides started advancing towards each other and the cavalry on each wing made first contact. The cavalry on both sides were of varied quality and the see saw battle between them carried on all through the game. When one side looked to be getting the upper hand the other would come back in to the fore. 

Here is the right wing of the attackers at the start of the game.

The cavalry units represented squadrons and were in groups of six.

Adrian still has a number of cavalry units on the paint table.

Here the attackers right wing and centre advance towards t he static defenders centre.

On the left the cavalry also fought it out.

The individual unit status was shown by a dice next to the unit, a way that is suitable for the period as after reading a number of books about the experience of battle it seems that the vulnerability of a unit was affected by the experiences of the men rather than the direct result of the casualities suffered.

The battle developed all along the table and was a very good game where no one had a prolonged upper hand.

Adrians blog has further pictures and an after action report here.

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