Sunday, September 15, 2024

Battle of Falaise Gap

Hello There! As a continuation of the 80th anniversary Remembrance for the events in Normandy the New Buckenham Historical wargames Club put on a Falaise Gap game.

The table was  large 6 foot wide, thirty foot long. The free for all by the Wehrmacht started at one end of the table and headed for two river crossings at the other end of the table with random generated cab rank air strikes and artillery based off the the table. 

There was a lot of horse drawn items on the table reflecting the fact that a lot of the German equipment was still served by horses. If any explosions came near them they were liable to go in any direction! 

Here is one of the crossings that was the German goal at the other end of the table.

There follows a number of photographs of the extensive collection of the club member who put this game on. As you can see the Germans had a lot of equipment to get off the table.

As previously mentioned there was a number of horse drawn items. This is the set from Revell.

Further along the table there was evidence of previous attacks from the RAF.

Some German infantry tried to debus to be less of a target!

The River looked unformidable but was considered to have steep sides for the purpose of this game.

A number of anti aircraft was deployed to try and keep the RAF Typhoons away from the crossing.

A number of artillery barrages straddled the bridges but did not destroy them entirely.

Here is a larger view of the streams of Germans and equipment trying to escape.

Some Allied success did slow up some of the Enemy.

Overall another thoroughly enjoyable game and day at the club. Even my 16 year old daughter took part and had a very successful day shooting down and driving off the majority of the Air Strikes.

1 comment:

  1. I remember the last time I played Falaise at the club. Using a ragbag of German armour I managed to throw back the Canadians coming down from the north.
