Sunday, September 1, 2024

Old Buckenham Air Show 2024

Hello There! There was an air show recently at a local air field. I have wanted to attend for many previous years, due to its locality and popularity but work has always conspired to get in the way. With new employment and a long Summer break I was able to go along this year.

I was pleased to see a substantial display of military vehicles and I took some time to get some photographs

This Bedford Lorry had markings for the 3rd Infantry Division and had an impressive display of small arms around it.

What at first appeared to be a standard jeep was in fact a French used version with a printed history on the front seat.

Next up a Humber scout car. While updating my collection of models I discovered 6 of these, in metal, hiding in a box! More work calling to be done.

Now this vehicle looks a little different to the illustrations I have but I believe it is a Canadian built Chevrolet wrecker with single boom crane. I do stand to be corrected!

Always plenty of time to photograph a Scammel recovery vehicle. There do seem to be many of these that have survived and been restored. I have seen many over the years.

It was lovely to see a Austin K2 Ambulance as well!

No display board but a Para 75mm (?) howitzer. 

This Fordson has Mickey Mouse Camouflage and some tonal difference to the vehicle and the canvas.

Two Universal carriers, one in  green drab and the other in , (SCC1?), brown.

I did not expect to see a 25pdr on display but this one had a detailed display board with it. There is a re enactment group that fires one of these. I last saw that at Tilbury Fort nearly twenty years ago.

A real example of a Morris C8, a cousin of the Matchbox tow for their 17pdr anti tank gun.

Engine air intake in the cab? Must have been noisy?!

Another Tilly, my favourite!

Finish off with a Dodge Weapons Carrier and a Deuce and a half.

Anyway, what as I there for? Oh1 Yes! Air Show.
 The start of the show was the Boeing B-17 Sally B from nearby Duxford.

I always find it difficult to get decent pictures but then also take time to savour the moment. I looked around when the Sally B was flying over for the first time and could only see everybody taking pictures rather than just looking and appreciating the sight. Anyway I feel these come out quite well considering I am a rank amateur with a camera.

There were a number of Spitfires, mostly from Duxford again, in a number of flights during the show.

God, it is going to bug me now that I cannot remember what this aircraft was!

Three Piper Cub spotter aircraft landed very close to the crowd so I was able to get some good close photos.

And lastly a dogfight between a ME109, (Spanish made Buchon version), which appeared in the film Battle of Britain and a Mustang.

Overall a very enjoyable day with great weather, although the heat was enough for me by the end of the day. No match for the long gone Mildenhall airshow but a nice and manageable day out.


  1. Tiger Moth? Gypsy Moth? One or t'other. Blimey, we were at Tilbury Fort twenty odd years ago? I remember that 25 pounder firing. Even with a blank charge and half a mile or so away it still felt like being hit over the head with a hammer. Imagine what a whole battery at full charge would sound like!

  2. Yes, that does seem a long while ago A J!
