Hello There! This is another local place to visit, but more importantly was one of the stations I spent many years at when I was in the RAF.
This is the picture I remember from the 90's. One of the four hangars that have now been converted for civilian use.
This hangar is now used by an electric bus company
The Air Traffic Control Tower, which looks in a very sorry state!
The 'New. aircraft spray painting booth which was delivered and built in the late 90's and found to be too short to fit a Jaguar aircraft in!
The former General Engineering Flight, Ground Support Equipment Section. Place of work for many years.
The front entrance to the section and the brown brick corner is where the 'control' once stood. A drafty green metal cabin.
Another 'New' building on the left which was only used for a handful of years before the station was closed.
GSES old POL store in front of the armoury.
Down the airfield, an old WW II remote dispersal area was found under a mass of brambles and trees. This was built during WW II and consisted of two areas, back to back with an adjacent building. Built from sandbags filled with cement and ballast this was a surprise to see as I had driven past this hundreds of times and did not know it was there.
Further along the airfield are a number of revetments. Built during the cold war there were meant to protect aircraft and have their exact co ordinates written on them.
The old Bomb Dump also looks forgotten and derelict
Overall a very stirring day and sad end to a place with so many great memories for so many people.
I think the last time I went there was when I was 10-ish and the RAF held an open day. Nice that some of it is still in use. Interesting to see the WW2 structures emerge from the undergrowth.