Hello There! Whenever I visit a Wargaming show I usually find David Lanchester Books in attendance.
This year at Vapnartak was no different and I made a couple of purchases.
I have heard others talk about this first book. I contentious subject but after reading Nosworthy and his work about the Napoleonic Wars I am open to reconsidering my assumptions about the subject matter.
My first thought is that if a massive array of rifled muskets go off at once, the smoke created is not going to make any further aimed firing possible, unless it is a very windy day, of course. After all smokeless powder had not been invented yet.
I have a much older and decrepit version of these much newer copies and in three volumes are much easier to handle than a big hardback book.
My own experience at reenacting the FIW is that yes, powder smoke hangs about to an extraordinary degree, especially in woodlands.