Friday, April 3, 2020

American Civil War Confederate Colonels and Casualties

Hello There! Well while the 'lock down' continues and work does not call upon my time, I have been completing some more American Civil War bits and pieces. First up are a couple of Wargames Foundry cavalry which will be passing for Infantry colonels. As I continue with these 'targets for my Union sharpshooters' I shall also be introducing sharpshooter rules into the ACW rules I use for games.

I put both riders on skewbald horses as you normally see officers on fine roan or dun horses, which was not always the case. Officers had to ride what they could get hold of and so for a difference these are as you see them.

I believe I used Vallejo 921 English Uniform with highlights for the riders coat and the gloves are 858 Ice Yellow with a wash of Army Painter of soft tone or mid brown. This picks out the moulding of the fingers on the gloves nicely.

Here is used a triad of 868 dark sea blue, 904 dark blue grey and 905 blue grey pale, for the trousers and 866 grey green, 869 basalt grey and 991 dark sea grey for the coat. To represent infantry I added a sky blue collar

Next up are some casualties. These are from the Redoubt range. As you mix the heads there are many different possibilities for each figure. I have not placed them on an MDF counter as these are intended for use for the ACW skirmish project but they can still be used in larger games for casualties or 'fluff'


  1. Lovely job, Steve. Glad to know you're being productive in these trying times.

  2. Hello AJ, Yes I have plenty to do but my 'other' job is now very unpredictable.
