Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Dismounted Confederate Cavalry

Hello There! The lock down goes on and the weather has taken a turn for the worse as grey clouds and rain have turned up.

I have completed the latest American Civil War recruits for the skirmish project and here are the newest finished models.

This is the last figure from the Confederate infantry figures that I had shown in a recent post. He was missed out during the painting and is now shown here. I like to show the completed figures close up as a photo of a group of figures from a distance shows very little detail. It is also handy because you can see any mistakes or pieces of flock that need to be trimmed! 

After having a shortage of flag bearers and buglers I turned to Redoubt to fill the gap. Typically after I purchased these Perry Miniatures released a further set of command figures for their range! Oh well not to worry .

As it has been an overcast day I had to use a light box and internal lighting for the photography but it came out to an acceptable level. Here is one of the flag bearers. I have used the GMB flags sheet. These supply a number of variations of cavalry flag and I have used all that were available so there are three different types.

I have used a number of various shades of grey and brown to break up any monotony of the same colour. I have used a number of paint triads to provide shading and highlights.

Some of the flag bearers poses are quite dynamic and a few are charging forward as seen here. 

I have replaced used either brass wire or cut down metal pikes for the flag poles. These already have a point at the top which also acts as a reminder to be careful when moving figures!

It  is useful to have some figures with clear corporal or sergeant stripes for a skirmish games as the more figures that are used in the game the easier it is to confuse which figure is which as different figures have different characteristics on their respective stats.

This is the only bugler in this set. I used Vallejo 856 ochre brown as an undercoat and then a brass on to of that.

This last flag bearer is charging forward with  great elan! It was actually the last torso and legs left after I had paired up all the other figures.

After doing so many greys and browns I took a look at a different colour to finish off this guy. It also helps to identify different figures again as well.

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