Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Peach Trees

Hello There! Again with a little more time on my hands I was able to complete another order of forty trees for a member of the New Buckenham Historical Wargamers Club.

This time I was asked for some peach trees as well.

I have made trees with 'fruit' before. The first being apples and oranges. These peaches were made a little smaller, to be more in scale with the trees. They were made from FIMO which is a coloured clay, like plasticene, but when baked in the oven, goes hard.

After mixing a peach colour with a red and using the end of a plastic tube as a guide, that gave me smaller peaches which could them be rolled to shape and a stem and green leaf added.

The figures are Blitz Models 20mm WW II French Infantry for scale.

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