Thursday, May 14, 2020

Peninsular War Spanish Monks

Hello There! I have recently completed some more reinforcements for the Spanish Guerrillas that will be used for the Skirmish rules I am working on.

These are all religious types from a couple of different suppliers. Some are Perrys from their Carlist range and a couple of others from the unknown supplier I mentioned in a previous post.

This guy up close does look like a Star Trek creature! This does appear to be a trade mark of the other supplier I mentioned. The faces have very pronounced features. However he does fit in well heightwise with the Perrys he accompanies.

This is one of the first chaps  from the Perrys Carlist Wars armed clergy set. I found these after looking through their catalogue. As the Carlist was soon after the end of the Napoleonic Wars I believed there may be some figures in the range I could use for the Napoleonic wars. I soon found the armed clergy and some civilians as well. These will be coming along 'soon'

Here are the final figures in a variety of poses which will be taking up arms against the French invader. According to the Osprey Elite book 'Spanish Guerrillas in the Peninsular War 1808-1814' one Spanish Guerrilla band was led by a clergyman!

I have found this book particularly helpful while painting these figures. I do now have to start painting some opposition to them!

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