Friday, March 19, 2021

Murawski Polish 1st Infantry Regiment 28mm

Hello there! After an illness and operation I have managed to continue completing a number of units which have patiently waiting to completed. Here is the latest.

These are intended for use in the Maida project that I have already completed two British battalions, some Royal Foot Artillery and three French battalions. The Poles were brigaded with the Swiss, which I have also completed, and look very splendid in this picture

The flag is from GMB, here, and I replaced the pole and halberds with brass wire because I have not yet found a whilte metal or pewter pole which has withstood wargaming. I do this as a matter of course now. The Polish Eagle is from Front Rank, here, and I managed to use the same halberd blade and flags. I drilled out these with a pin vice and a fine 0.8mm drill bit.

I like to provide pictues of closerr views of completed figures as it gives a better view for you all but sometimes I can see things I either got wrong or missed out!

These are painted in the earlier 1807-1809 system of regimental facing colours which makes them a lot more colourful.

In Shako II rules an infantry battalion consists of three bases of six figures. Here is the grenadier company which although they are in bearskins I have read that this headgear was not issued until after 1809, Oh well!.

The Line Colonel looks really nice and the splash of yellow stands out well. I have continued to use the method of using 6mm long static grass held in place by neat PVA.

Lastly I tried to show the colourful drummer which I have taken from the Morawski plate of the same figure.

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